This is a large swinging style suspension bridge with riveted, latticed, and laced suspension towers. The bridge was built in 1905 using a patented design of timber anchorage. It appears the patented anchorage no longer remains as the anchorage seen today looks newer and the main cable does not appear to be original. The floorbeams on the bridge appear to date to after 1950 as well because they have USS (United States Steel) logos on them. USS didn’t mark their logo on steel until around 1950. At least some of the unusual bent eyebar rods that form the suspenders for the bridge may be original as the design as unusual and archaic. Reportedly a local blacksmith, De Witt Mason, forged these rods.
100 Swinging Bridge Dr, Jackson, MS 39272
(601) 345-2560
Hours of Operation
The swinging bridge is open during daylight hours