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corner of mainstreet during the day by a cemetery with the words monuments on mainstreet written above with a green background

Monuments On Main Street (Annual Greenville Cemetery Tour)

Did you know that the Greenville Cemetery has gravestones dating back to the early 1830s? We have ancestors buried there who lived within a generation of the American Revolution! Our 6th Annual Greenville Cemetery Tour will again take place in conjunction with Greenville’s Hot Tamale Festival. Set in the late afternoon/evening, this onehour event will make a great closing chapter to one of Greenville’s most active weekends. Six fresh new stories of our community’s ancestors will be brought to life from the almost bottomless well of Greenville’s rich, deep, and varied history. Specific characters and stories are still in development, but you won’t want to miss this increasingly popular, fascinating, and engaging live interface with our community’s almost-200-year history.


Oct 22 - 24 2021


All Day


Washington Lake Area Events


Main Street by Greenville Cemetary
Greenville, MS
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